HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Application

The annual CoC application is composed of two parts; the Consolidated Application and the Priority Listing. The details regarding HUD priorities and additional threshold requirements are released for each funding year at the time of HUD’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the CoC Program.  The Consolidated Application is prepared and submitted by the DuPage County CoC’s designated Collaborative Applicant, DuPage County Community Services. HUD assesses CoCs nationwide on system-wide performance outcomes and coordination, and scores and ranks CoCs accordingly to determine which CoCs will receive funding priority for project applications submitted by the CoC in the Priority Listing.

To visit the HUD Exchange FY2024 CoC Program NOFO page, click here.

2024 DuPage Homeless CoC Local Competition Announcement

The DuPage Continuum Leadership Committee is announcing the application and selection process for HUD’s 2024 Continuum of Care funding. The 2024 Ranking Criteria is posted below.  It contains the point values for the objective criteria used to rank and review projects. Applications are due no later than May 1, 2024.

To access the Neighborly Application Portal, click here. 

HUD CoC NOFO Application

HUD published the FY2024 Continuum of Care (CoC) Funding Notice for Homeless Assistance Grants on TBD.  Approximately $X.XX billion is available. Of this, $XX million is available for Domestic Violence bonus projects.

The DuPage County CoC has established a local process for assessing local gaps and needs, determining funding priorities for its CoC program, determining possible reallocations, inviting, reviewing, scoring and ranking projects according to successful performance that reflects the project’s ability to assist with addressing system-wide progress towards ending homelessness.  The DuPage County CoC has established policies and procedures for this process.

All information regarding ranking policy and procedure, local ranking, selection criteria and decision making processes can be found in the information below.

2024 CoC Rating and Ranking Procedures

DuPage CoC Deadlines

TBD, 2024 – Renewal projects will submit a CoC project template for evaluation.

TBD, 2024 – New projects will submit a CoC project template for evaluation.

TBD, 2024 – The DuPage CoC Local Competition is complete. Each project application must be submitted in e-snaps for final CoC review.

TBD, 2024 – Each project applicant is notified in writing if their project is accepted, rejected, or reduced on the CoC Project Priority Listing.

Esnaps submission of projects may be no later than 30 days before the HUD deadline of 9/28/23. The DuPage CoC will notify all project applicants no later than 15 days before the application deadline of  September 28, 2023 whether their project application will be accepted and ranked, rejected or reduced as part of the CoC Consolidated application and of their number ranking.

These document the existence of a coordinated, inclusive, and outcome-oriented community process for the solicitation, objective review, ranking, and selection of CoC Program project applications.  All project applications are evaluated and ranked based on the degree to which they improve the CoC system performance.

2024 Ranking Criteria (PDF)

2024 CoC Ranking Policy (PDF)

Dated Email Notification of 2023 Notice of Request for CoC Proposals 02-03-23  (PDF)

2023 Business Plan Application (PDF)

2023 Cost Forms (PDF)



Dated Email Notification of CoC NOFO Announcement 7-24-23 (PDF)

Dated Email Notification of Project Templates for DuPage CoC Competition 7-28-23 (PDF)

2023 CoC Rating and Ranking Procedures

2023 Project Tiering List Notification 08-29-23 (PDF)

2023 Projects Accepted and Ranking Notification 08-29-23 (PDF)

2023 Projects Rejected Reduced Notification 08-29-23 (PDF)

Dated Email Notifying CoC Members of Project Selection, Rejection, and Ranking w/Tiering and Score List 08-29-23 (PDF)

CoC Approved Consolidated Application and the CoC Approved Project Priority Listing

2023 Approved CoC Consolidated Application 9-21-23 (PDF)

2023 Approved CoC Project Priority Listing 9-21-23 (PDF)


For more information about the Continuum of Care process, please contact Mary Keating, Director of Community Services/Chair of the Leadership Committee for the DuPage County Continuum of Care at [email protected].