Depending on the source of support, homeless prevention funding may provide rental/mortgage assistance, utility assistance, approved case management and approved supportive services directly related to the prevention of homelessness to eligible individuals and families who are in danger of eviction, foreclosure or homelessness or are currently homeless. Homelessness prevention is designed to stabilize individuals and families in their existing homes, shorten the amount of time that individuals and families stay in shelters and assist individuals and families with securing affordable housing.
Within DuPage County, a network of collaborating community agencies receive and distribute an array of funding. The eligibility guidelines described below apply to government grants. Community partners assist to expand options for assistance. As funds are limited, financial assistance from any provider may make a household ineligible for further financial assistance.
Services offered through this program may include: Rental assistance, mortgage assistance, security deposit assistance, and supportive services to to help obtain and maintain housing.
List of Agencies and Communities Served (PDF)
All households must be able to meet and document the following eligibility criteria. Additional eligibility criteria may apply:
- Must be moving into or currently residing in DuPage County
- Must be in danger of eviction, foreclosure or currently homeless
- Must document ability to meet future rent and monthly expenses through current income or the development of a Personal Recovery Plan
- Must disclose any assistance received in the past 24 months
- The landlord or mortgage company must agree to accept payment and stop current eviction/foreclosure proceedings upon receipt of signed rent assistance voucher
Most grants require the household to: Document an unexpected recent drop in income, economic crisis or extenuating circumstance, have a current lease, meet income guidelines, and reside in a unit which meets standards of habitability and cost.
DuPage County Homelessness Prevention providers may also offer the following to assist individuals and families establish or stabilize their housing:
- Referrals to emergency shelter or transitional housing programs
- Housing resources and subsidized housing information within DuPage County
- Tenant/landlord rights information
- Educational rights of homeless students information
- Referrals for legal services, healthcare coverage, education, employment services, financial and credit information, food, clothing, and other basic needs
- Short-term case management services
Below are tools and resources provided by the CoC Service and Program Coordination Committee to assist homeless prevention providers to support persons experiencing housing instability and those experiencing homelessness:
HP Manual – Working Document (PDF)
2022 – 2025 SPCC Partnership Agreement (PDF)
CoC HPP & Rapid Rehousing Brochure – English (PDF)