The DuPage County Continuum of Care (CoC) offers CoC-wide training sessions to provide relevant educational and informational opportunities to CoC providers and community partners and offers grant recipients resources to assist with meeting specific grant requirements for which they are responsible.

2024 Homeless Prevention Spring Outreach Workshop 5/21/24

The CoC Service and Program Coordination Committee (SPCC) hosted an outreach event for community partners to virtually reconnect with local service and housing providers to learn about what is available to persons in need.

Homeless Prevention Spring Outreach Recording

Passcode to Access Recording: d%2xG@2&

Agency Presentation Slide Deck PDF

CoC “Help Flyer” (English/Spanish)PDF

Cath0lic Charities 2024 DuPage County Back to School Fair (English/Spanish) PDF

HUD CoC Esnaps Application Training 08/09/23

Provides technical assistance with completing the CoC renewal and new project applications in HUD esnaps.

Esnaps CoC Application Training Recording (MP4)

HOPE DuPage Narcan Training

Recognizing and Responding to Opioid Overdose

Public Benefits Training

The CoC provides access to up-to-date information on mainstream resources available for program participants (e.g., Food Stamps, SSI, TANF, substance abuse programs) within the CoC’s geographic area through the DuPage Federation on Human Services Reform.

DuPage Federation Public Benefits Training

Provided with permission from Legal Aid Chicago, this video training explains and guides you through the process of applying online for public benefits using the Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE). It describes the various types of public benefits, such as SNAP food assistance, Medicaid health coverage, and cash assistance for families with children (TANF) and the aged, blind or disabled (AABD Cash), and who is eligible to receive them. It explains the process of applying for benefits on behalf of someone else as well as how to follow up with the Illinois Department of Human Services after the application has been submitted. 

CoC Full Community Meeting 11/04/22 

DuPage CoC Full Community and Membership 2022-11-04 recording (MP4)

HUD CoC Esnaps Application Training 08/26/22

Esnaps CoC Application Training Recording (MP4)

CoC Domestic Violence Basics Training 06/17/22

COC DV Presentation (PDF)

Safety Planning (DOCX)

CoC Basics of DV Training (MP4)

CoC Full Continuum Meeting 04/22/22

DuPage CoC Full Membership 2022-04-22 recording

Neighborly Application Training (Updated and Revised)

Neighborly CoC Applicant Training (Revised) 02/01/22 (MP4)

CoC Full Continuum Meeting 11/19/21

DuPage CoC Full Membership 2021-11-19 recording

DuPage CoC 11-19-21 State Plan Homelessness Presentation C. Haley (PDF)

SPM Year to Year Comparison 11-19-21 (PDF)

DuPage 2021 HUD HDX Report 11-19-21 (PDF)

CoC Full Continuum Meeting 04/16/21

DuPage CoC Full Membership 2021-04-16 recording edited.mp4

DuPage Full Membership Diversity Breakout Group Notes 04-16-21 (DOCX)

CoC Limited Scope Environmental Review Training 08/31/20

Zoom Video Training Link

CoC ERR Links (DOCX)

CoC Limited Scope ERR Training Slide Deck (DOCX)

FIRMette_Example (PDF)

CoC Equal Access and Anti-Discrimination Policy Training 04/17/19

Equal Access Decision Tree (PDF)

Equal Access – Shelter for All Genders (PDF)

Equal Access Training Scenarios (PDF)