The Illinois Housing Development Authority is now accepting applications under the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Development Program to fund developments serving special needs populations and persons with disabilities, including residents who are transitioning out of nursing homes and into community living. Up to $36.5 million is available to provide supportive housing options for individuals and families in need.

This new round of the PSH Development Program will fund developments serving low-income persons with disabilities, persons experiencing homelessness, and other vulnerable populations. Eligible developments may contain no more than 25 units and are required to set aside a minimum of 10 percent of the units for referrals through the Statewide Referral Network. Funding will be awarded to the highest scoring applications. We encourage all eligible sponsors to apply for this opportunity.

The PSH Development Program RFA is to create new units of supportive housing through a variety of means, including new construction, redevelopment of vacant units, or adaptive reuse of non-residential properties. The particular RFA is for smaller developments that because of their size are not a good fit for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program; only Projects with twenty five (25) or less units are eligible to apply under this RFA. Developments with an allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) or contemplating use of the LIHTC are not eligible Applicants under this RFA.

They are targeting “Supportive Housing Populations“ defined as households headed by persons with disabilities and households that are homeless or at-risk of homelessness who need access to supportive services in order to maintain housing.

More details are available at

Applications are due to IHDA on July 20, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.