Membership in the DuPage County Continuum of Care (CoC) is open to ensure community wide commitment to ending and preventing homelessness. Members of the CoC are able to approve at-large Leadership Committee members and within the Committee framework, impact and positively contribute to overall Continuum goals.  The process for recruitment and selection of members for CoC membership will be transparent and inclusive. The members, officers, and persons served by the Continuum shall be selected entirely on a non-discriminatory basis with respect to age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and national origin in accordance with all state and federal regulations.

General Membership in the DuPage CoC is limited to those residing and/or doing business in DuPage County, Illinois. Approval as a Member of the DuPage CoC requires formal adoption of the Continuum’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by the Organization (for Organizational Membership) or by the individual (for Individual Membership) and approval by the Leadership Committee of the CoC. The CoC membership selection process will include consideration of geographic balance, representation of homeless and other vulnerable subpopulations, and knowledge of the issues pertaining to the CoC and/or persons experiencing homelessness within the Continuum.

Application for membership is open throughout the year.  If you have interest in joining the Continuum of Care or a Continuum of Care Committee, please complete the interest form application below and follow the submission instructions as outlined on the application.  If there is difficulty accessing, completing, or submitting the application, please contact a member of the CoC at for additional assistance.

CoC Interest Form Fillable (PDF)

During a recent Fall Full Continuum Member meeting, participants engaged in a survey of aligning skills and interests with Committee needs.  This past survey is below:

Once approved, all members of the DuPage County CoC submit a written Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and designate a voting member and alternate. There are separate MOUs for Organizational Membership or for Individual Membership:

All voting members of the Leadership Committee are required to submit a signed Code of Conduct and DuPage County CoC Conflict of Interest Policy Statement annually:

Continuum Meeting Schedule

An annual Continuum calendar of all meetings is completed each July and distributed to all Members of the Continuum. The calendar is also available on this website. There are two Full Continuum meetings each year for the full membership in April and November. All interested members of the community are encouraged to attend. Committees meet quarterly at a minimum. A meeting notice, agenda, and meeting materials is e-mailed to each committee member at least seven days prior to each meeting. Attendance and minutes are recorded for all meetings and are the responsibility of the committee chairperson.

Continuum Calendar “At a Glance” By Month July 2024 – July 2025 (PDF)