
The DuPage Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC) began in 1994. The DuPage County Needs Cluster process was a precursor to the Homeless Continuum of Care. The Homeless Needs Cluster evolved into the Continuum of Care in 1997.

In 1998 there was an initial DuPage Homeless Continuum workshop held titled “A PLACE TO CALL HOME.”  Two Task Groups were established at the end of the workshop:  1) Gaps, Resources, and Priorities and 2) Organizational Goals and Strategies. These two Task Groups established four Committees: Needs Assessment Committee, Resources Committee, Organizational Structure Committee, and the Information Systems Committee. Later in 1998, an initial Continuum of Care structure was approved which consisted of a DuPage County Leadership Committee, a Chairpersons Forum, and seven Continuum of Care committees. The seven Continuum committees were divided into two groups: Management and Needs Assessment. The Management Committees consisted of Community Outreach, Grants/Funding, and Information Systems. The four Needs Assessment committees included Housing/Shelter, Medical & Related, Independence, and Other Support.

The structure of the DuPage Homeless Continuum was revised in October 1999. The new organizational structure for the DuPage Homeless Continuum of Care model consisted of the DuPage County Community Development Commission Executive Commission, a Chairperson’s Forum, and four Continuum of Care committees – Community Outreach, Grants/Funding, Needs Assessment, and Information Systems.


The DuPage Homeless Continuum of Care Planning Structure was again modified on March 11th, 2003. The Community Development Commission Executive Committee was eliminated as it was a duplicative planning process and the group did not represent members of the Continuum. The DuPage Homeless Continuum structure then consisted of a Leadership Committee and three standing committees: Community Outreach, Grants/Funding, and Needs Assessment.

In January 2009, the DuPage CoC Leadership Committee decided to develop a governance structure for the Continuum. The existing structure had worked well, but a formal governance structure would help ensure its continued success. The Leadership committed to an open process and all members of the Continuum were invited to participate in a Governance Task Force. The Task Force reviewed the current organizational structure and developed formal bylaws for the DuPage Homeless Continuum.

In April 2009, The DuPage Homeless Continuum adopted a governance structure consisting of bylaws which ensure consistency and transparency in decision making and participation. These bylaws outline the governance structure, committees, membership requirements, decision making process, etc. In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding between the DuPage County Continuum of Care and each of its members was implemented.

According to the bylaws, the DuPage County Continuum of Care consisted of seven standing committees:

  1. Leadership Committee
  2. Community Outreach Committee
  3. Grants/Funding Committee
  4. Needs Assessment Committee
  5. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Users Committee
  6. Homeless Prevention Providers Committee
  7. Appeals Committee

Each Committee may establish, as needed, working subcommittees to conduct specific tasks of the committee. These include, but are not limited to, the Unsheltered Point in Time (PIT) Street Count Subcommittee, the Coordinated Entry and Assessment Ad Hoc Policy Committee, the Homeless Veteran’s Task Force, the Chronically Homeless Assessment Team, and others.

The DuPage County Continuum of Care seeks organizations and individuals who are committed to preventing and ending homelessness in DuPage County.  For additional information on how to participate in the DuPage County CoC, please click on “Join the Continuum.”