HUD published the FY2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Funding Notice for Homeless Assistance Grants on July 5, 2023.  Approximately $3.13 billion is available. Of this, $52 million is available for Domestic Violence bonus projects. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition (NOFO) has been posted on and is available on the Funding Opportunities page on HUD’s website. Additional resources are available on the Continuum of Care Program Competition page of HUD’s website between July 5-31, 2023. The CoC Consolidated Application, CoC Priority Listing, and Project Applications will be available in e-snaps. Collaborative Applicants and project applicants will access the applications to review, update, and enter required information for the application process.  Additional guidance is posted on the CoC Program Competition page of HUD’s website. The HUD deadline date is September 28, 2023.


August 9, 2023 – Renewal projects will submit a CoC project template for evaluation.

August 25, 2023 – New projects will submit a CoC project template for evaluation.

August 29, 2023 – The DuPage CoC Local Competition is complete. Each project application must be submitted in e-snaps for final CoC review.

September 13, 2023 – Each project applicant is notified in writing if their project is accepted, rejected, or reduced on the CoC Project Priority Listing. 

Esnaps submission of projects may be no later than 30 days before the HUD deadline of 9/28/23. The DuPage CoC will notify all project applicants no later than 15 days before the application deadline of  September 28, 2023 whether their project application will be accepted and ranked, rejected or reduced as part of the CoC Consolidated application and of their number ranking. Project application deadlines and materials will be posted on

Project submission instructions for esnaps will be reviewed at a virtual APPLICATION WORKSHOP scheduled for August 9, 2023 from 1:30 pm. – 2:30 pm. This is a Zoom meeting. Advance registration is required. The registration link is below:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


ANNUAL RENEWAL DEMAND (ARD) –The total amount for all projects eligible for renewal in the 2023 competition based on the HUD approved Grants Inventory Worksheet. The DuPage CoC Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) amount approved was $6,258,634.


New Projects include expansion of existing renewal projects. New projects may be created through the reallocation process, bonus funds, or a combination of reallocation and bonus funds.  Reallocation and bonus funds may be combined to funds new projects. There is an amount allocated to each CoC for bonus projects that is equal to 7% of the Final Pro Rata Need. This amount is $438,104.  Multiple projects are allowed. All New project applications are included in the project tiering except Planning.

5 types of new projects are allowed:

  • Permanent supportive housing that serve chronically homeless or eligible under the Dedicated PLUS definition. See NOFO p. 55
  • Rapid Rehousing projects that serve households who meet the homeless definition categories of 1,2 or 4. See NOFO p.55
  • Joint TH and PH-RRH component project that serve households who meet the homeless definition categories of 1,2 or 4.– See NOFO p.56
  • Dedicated HMIS (only by the current HMIS Lead). See NOFO p. 57
  • Coordinated Entry (supportive services only) to develop or operate a coordinated entry system. See NOFO p. 57


There is an additional amount allocated to each CoC for projects dedicated to victims of domestic violence. This amount is estimated to be $366,103. Projects must serve survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The eligible population is survivors of domestic violence who are defined as homeless at 24CFR 578.3 (4). All DV projects must be for a grant term of 1 year.  These projects will be selected by HUD based on CoC Score plus other criterion noted in NOFA p.28 using a 100 point scale. CoCs may create any of the following project types if the amount is at least $50,000:

  • Rapid Rehousing (PH-RRH);
  • Joint Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing (Joint TH-RRH)
  • Supportive Services Only-Coordinated Entry (SSO-CE) that targets victims of domestic violence

(Only one Coordinated Entry application is allowed).

NOTE: Expansion of any existing RRH or Joint TH-RRH renewal that is non-DV will qualify as a new DV bonus if it exclusively serves DV persons.

COC PLANNING COSTS – Eligible costs are related to the collaborative process for an application to HUD, evaluating the outcomes of projects, and participating in the jurisdiction’s consolidated planning process. The total amount available for this year is $312,932.

PROJECT TIERING – The CoC will submit a Priority Listing that lists the new and renewal projects that are being applied for. All projects that are approved for inclusion will be prioritized in a two tier approach. The tiers are financial thresholds.  Tier 1 is 93% of the Annual Renewal Demand for current projects. Tier 2 is the difference between Tier 1 and the maximum amount of renewal, reallocation and bonus funds available (excluding the DV bonus amount). The Planning project is excluded from tiering.

Tier 2 project-level scoring remains the same with 3 criteria – CoC Application score, ranked position of the project application in Tier 2, and the project application’s commitment to Housing First.  Up to 50 pts CoC Score + 40 pts Rank number in Tier 2 + 10pts. Housing First project.


  • CoC Planning grants have increased from 3% to 5% of the Final Pro Rata Need.
  • Bonus projects funds are 7% of the CoC Annual Renewal Amount.
  • HUD continues to provide opportunities to expand or consolidate CoC projects. Expansions submit a standalone renewal application and a standalone new project application. Consolidations submit 2 individual stand alone renewal project applications.
  • CoCs are required to have leveraging agreements with housing providers and health care organizations for at least one new project.
  • The DV bonus project point scoring remains the same as last year.
  • There is a change in the homeless definition for Category 4 which allows for any person who is experiencing trauma or a lack of safety, not just fleeing to be eligible for services.
  • Coordinated Entry requires safety planning and confidentiality protocols.
  • DV Survivors with lived experience are involved in CoC policy development.
  • CoCs need a letter from persons with lived experience showing support for priorities.
  • A rating factor on engaging local leaders to increase the affordable housing supply.

Questions regarding the FY 2023 CoC Program Competition process must be submitted to [email protected].  Questions related to e-snaps functionality (e.g., password lockout, access to user’s application account, updating Applicant Profile) must be submitted to [email protected].