DuPage Federation on Human Services Reform is inviting human services providers, faith-based organizations, libraries, and other organizations supporting census questionnaire completion to a training event:
Census 2020 Questionnaire Assistance Training
8 am until 10 am, Thursday, March 12, 2020
At DuPage County Health Department
111 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL
Lower Level Conference Rooms I and II
Coffee, fruit and pastries will be available. We encourage you to please bring your own reusable coffee mug and water cup.
The training is designed for staff who will be providing assistance to clients, and for staff who will be supervising and training other staff to provide assistance.
The training will cover the important compliance issues with questionnaire assistance, tools to overcome the specific pitfalls people will frequently bring up about filling out the Census, and other resources to meet your goals and make sure our communities are counted.
Questions? Please contact CensusSolutions@DuPageFederation.org.
Curriculum compiled by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
Training supported by the DuPage Foundation and its donor advisors, and the Illinois Department of Human Services.