The United Stated Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has updated the Community Planning and Development (CPD) Income Eligibility Calculator to incorporate FY 2017 Income Limits for:
• Brownfield Economic Development Initiative (BEDI)
• Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
• CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance
• Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)
• Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
• Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)
• Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program
• Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity (SHOP)
All updated limits are effective as of April 2017 and can be viewed on the HUD Exchange.
Please note that the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) and Housing Trust Fund (HTF) program income limits have not been updated and will remain the 2016 income limits until the new 2017 limits are in effect. A separate list serve will be provided once HOME and HTF income limits are updated in the calculator.
All calculations, except for HOME and HTF, that are currently in a user’s dashboard in the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator, as well as calculations completed going forward, will use the FY 2017 income limits for the purposes of determining eligibility.
Although your data and calculations are accessible within the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator for 13 months, this tool is designed to allow you to more easily update a beneficiary’s income in the future – it is not a repository of income calculations completed in the past.
Only calculations that had been downloaded from the calculator and saved to a user’s hard drive (or printed off) prior to today used the previous year’s income limits data for calculating a beneficiary’s income eligibility.
Please direct any comments or questions to [email protected]